71.   According to published reports, the Hildreths, former FBI agents from McAllen, were hired by Sanchez attorney Tony Canales to investigate the source of the letter.

72.   According to published reports, the video shows Snoop surrounded by people having hardcore sex at his California estate.

73.   According to published reports, the younger Condit has served time on convictions for drug possession, vehicle theft and trying to pass forged checks.

74.   According to published reports, they fired the planners without public debate, without discussion or explanation beforehand.

75.   According to published reports, Tripp secretly taped conversations in which Lewinsky described having a sexual affair with Clinton.

76.   According to some published reports, he is planning to ask the German authorities for political asylum.

77.   Addressing published reports about tensions between the FBI and the Centers for Disease Control at the Wednesday night meeting, Ridge said the agencies have been working very closely.

78.   After Ortiz began studying anthropology, he found some of the published reports suspect.

79.   Akins said his meetings were mischaracterized in one published report, which said Akins met with Johnson when Akins was in college.

80.   Allegations also surfaced in published reports that the Biospherians faced further duress at the hands of Space Biospheres Ventures co-founder John Allen.

a. + report >>共 514
immediate 6.13%
unconfirmed 4.79%
economic 4.72%
recent 3.86%
earlier 3.47%
initial 3.42%
new 3.37%
final 2.83%
annual 2.77%
published 2.37%
published + n. >>共 243
report 39.90%
book 3.94%
account 3.33%
interview 2.58%
study 2.31%
work 1.84%
article 1.50%
paper 1.29%
poet 1.22%
material 1.22%
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