71.   He was forced by his House colleagues last week to withdraw a proposed amendment to defense spending legislation that threatened to cut off spending for military tribunals.

72.   He reversed himself and fought the proposed constitutional amendment that would have banned flag burning, declaring that he wished to protect the integrity of the Constitution.

73.   He voted no because he believed that a proposed amendment to the Constitution should be subject to full debate.

74.   His endorsement bolstered a proposed amendment to the highway spending bill that will be considered by the full Senate Wednesday.

75.   His proposed amendment also would make an important change in the line of succession into the lieutenant governorship.

76.   His proposed amendment was ruled out of order, and the bill was passed.

77.   House leaders have set aside three days to deal with the legislation and nearly three dozen proposed amendments.

78.   House Majority Whip Tom DeLay, R-Texas, serving his seventh term, also spoke against a proposed amendment.

79.   Hun Sen then threw his backing behind a proposed constitutional amendment that would bar people with dual citizenship from holding government positions.

80.   If Congress fails to block the change, the proposed amendment would go back to the states for final ratification.

a. + amendment >>共 356
constitutional 48.71%
proposed 12.50%
democratic 2.51%
new 2.21%
controversial 1.85%
such 1.65%
similar 1.12%
first 0.82%
republican 0.79%
minor 0.76%
proposed + n. >>共 766
change 5.00%
law 4.15%
merger 4.08%
legislation 4.05%
amendment 3.03%
rule 2.68%
settlement 2.45%
deal 2.25%
tax 1.93%
cut 1.82%
每页显示:    共 377