71.   There are few doctors, medicines or even rudimentary clinics in the south, and nearly all come from U.N. or private relief organizations.

72.   The U.N. agency coordinates the work of private relief agencies.

73.   U.N. agencies, the Red Cross and scores of private relief agencies feed refugees, vulnerable families and people injured in the war.

74.   U.N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and most U.N. and private relief agencies have urged a total ban on producing, stockpiling and exporting land mines.

75.   UNHCR staffers and some private relief workers were threatened in the attack, apparently by Sudanese rebels, last Friday, said Kris Janowski.

76.   UNICEF and private relief groups are carrying out chlorination campaign to combat the disease.

77.   A private relief organisation warned here Thursday of a new exodus of one million refugees in Rwanda following the scheduled withdrawal later this month of French troops.

78.   A private relief organisation warned here Thursday of a new exodus of one million refugees in Rwanda following the scheduled later this month of French troops.

79.   All foreign UN and private relief agency staff then left the camp.

80.   Meanwhile, ruling party officials said Wednesday they were considering private relief funds for former comfort women, instead of government compensation.

a. + relief >>共 705
international 10.10%
humanitarian 4.65%
emergency 4.29%
great 2.45%
welcome 2.34%
private 2.28%
temporary 2.28%
immediate 2.03%
middle 1.92%
financial 1.30%
private + n. >>共 747
company 6.61%
life 2.16%
investment 2.16%
investor 1.97%
business 1.93%
meeting 1.79%
property 1.69%
group 1.54%
home 1.41%
citizen 1.41%
relief 0.23%
每页显示:    共 80