71.   However, at this stage their primary job is to scout potential targets for operations rather than take direct action against the Taliban or Al Qaeda.

72.   If the aim is to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, why add Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea and Syria to the potential target list?

73.   If the company cannot boost that languishing value, WorldCom is itself a potential takeover target.

74.   In an era of consolidation, banks are merging at a record pace, causing investors to flock to potential targets.

75.   In addition, the potential takeover targets are generally awash in debt.

76.   In deeper water, they might have to wait to send a robotic submersible with video cameras to investigate potential targets.

77.   In the days that followed the terrorist attacks there was some speculation that Atlanta may have been a potential target, but federal investigators have discounted that theory.

78.   In the warped view of the sexual predator, every woman is a potential target.

79.   Israelis and Palestinians sit at home after dark with their shades drawn, and streets in Gilo are darkened to hide potential targets.

80.   Iraqi news agencies said the nation was ready for war and that citizens had volunteered to be placed around potential targets as human shields.

a. + target >>共 508
military 5.19%
easy 4.03%
takeover 3.57%
potential 3.40%
prime 3.40%
main 2.58%
civilian 2.38%
israeli 2.28%
frequent 2.27%
possible 2.15%
potential + n. >>共 910
buyer 4.24%
problem 3.38%
candidate 2.75%
investor 2.38%
customer 2.24%
threat 1.72%
target 1.62%
juror 1.61%
partner 1.29%
danger 1.22%
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