71.   However, the Jewish state pinned the blame on Syria for Hezbollah rocket attacks from south Lebanon on its Galilee region overnight Friday.

72.   However at least one pinned the blame on local communist officials, saying they had neglected their duties.

73.   However, the Jewish state pinned the blame on Syria for the rocket attacks on its Galilee region overnight Friday.

74.   International observers have stressed the importance of the judicial process in helping Rwanda back on its feet, by pinning blame on those individuals responsible.

75.   International organisations including Amnesty International have pinned equal blame on the security forces and the Islamic militants fighting to overthrow the regime.

76.   Israel pinned blame on Syria, which it accuses of controlling Hezbollah.

77.   Investigators said the arsonists had probably hoped to pin the blame on workers, who were inside the building the day before.

78.   Israeli officials pinned the blame for that attack on Arafat, who has so far failed to meet US demands to call a halt to the Palestinian bombing campaign.

79.   A police officer speaking anonymously pinned the blame for the attack on the IRA, but it denied responsibility in a coded message to a local radio station.

80.   But he also urged Muslims not to pin the blame for all their woes on others.

v. + blame >>共 129
take 13.67%
place 9.27%
put 8.49%
share 7.71%
assign 5.71%
accept 5.32%
lay 5.17%
pin 4.64%
shift 3.90%
lie 3.12%
pin + n. >>共 176
hope 40.99%
blame 13.48%
responsibility 2.13%
label 1.28%
loss 1.28%
medal 1.13%
murder 1.13%
ribbon 1.13%
number 0.99%
faith 0.85%
每页显示:    共 94