71.   Did you hear it on the radio this morning about the research that the, these people are doing?

72.   Now have you learnt the formula for integrating a product?

73.   I know but they, they think is this what people do?

74.   Erm this group also mentioned, and other people did as well just that acting plays is dramatic irony.

75.   At the lower end of the scale for unskilled labour there is now an incentive for those people to do more part-time work.

76.   But if we can get the same information for an even lower level of risk, then that is really what people should do.

77.   All this stuff was done by people who presumably had serious intentions.

78.   Although some police forces have access to shoe-print databases, these all rely on people to do the classifying.

79.   Also keep in mind that this is a study of nurses, who tend to lead healthier lifestyles than do most people.

80.   Although Americans are keeping closer tabs on what happens in the financial markets, many still ask what people on Wall Street do for a living.

n. + do >>共 1367
government 2.91%
company 2.87%
people 2.75%
team 1.85%
man 1.20%
player 1.16%
woman 0.91%
official 0.72%
child 0.67%
state 0.65%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
do 1.20%
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