71.   Barred from visiting her son, el-Wafi gave Hamud a letter to pass along.

72.   Because of a rate freeze, the utility, which focuses mainly on distribution of electricity, has been unable to pass along its rising costs to customers.

73.   Because of the federal budget deficit, Congress could pass along the cost of the fertilizer-control program to states or local governments.

74.   Because of this, many restaurants must pay more rent when they do well and that extra expense is often passed along to the diner.

75.   Before each shot, Dye could give specific instructions to each of the platoon leaders, who could pass them along to the men.

76.   Before passing along information to the clean team, assistant U.S. attorneys on the dirty team remove any evidence that cannot be legally used to win indictments and convictions.

77.   Bear Stearns also suggested requiring clearing firms that get complaints about introducing brokers from their customers to pass along the information to the brokers or regulators.

78.   Because of the current rate freeze, the two utilities have been unable to pass along sky-high wholesale power costs to customers.

79.   Besides, the benefit of the subsidy, if it exists, can be passed along to affiliates about as easily as subsidiaries.

80.   Before long Plunkett and Macleane have become infamous as highwaymen, robbing coaches crammed full of drippingly decadent nobles that pass along the road at night.

v. + along >>共 1285
pass 9.50%
bring 6.09%
take 3.13%
sing 1.90%
divide 1.84%
get 1.75%
send 1.75%
live 1.61%
help 1.55%
deploy 1.47%
pass + p. >>共 75
along 21.38%
without 15.03%
in 9.28%
with 8.95%
around 6.75%
before 6.10%
by 5.58%
since 3.48%
at 3.38%
across 2.90%
每页显示:    共 850