71.   Voters had been widely expected to approve the constitution after all political parties backed it.

72.   However, Morei called on the opposition party to back down from demonstrating against the new measures.

73.   In agreeing to non-stop negotiations beginning Sunday, the two parties have backed themselves into a corner.

74.   A committed free-marketeer, Gerhardt spoke out in favour of privatisation and deregulation which the party has backed under the present government.

75.   All political parties are backing the mission with the exception of the Refounded Communist Party and the separatist Northern League.

76.   An Indian Tamil party has backed the creation of an independent Tamil state in Sri Lanka and opposed demands for a new Indian military intervention on the island.

77.   All Italian political parties are backing the mission with the exception of the Refounded Communist Party and the separatist Northern League.

78.   But Scharping said he would not change the guarantee because both the government and opposition parties backed the project and would eventually approve all its financing.

79.   But the ruling parties backed down late last week, and now plan to summon Ikeda during the next session of parliament starting in January.

80.   The party also backs reinvigorating the Cold War-era project of building a space-based anti-missile defense system.

n. + back >>共 1140
government 5.35%
administration 2.19%
party 2.08%
leader 1.75%
company 1.70%
group 1.43%
official 1.43%
country 1.41%
tank 1.28%
head 1.23%
party + v. >>共 674
be 12.11%
have 4.95%
say 3.54%
agree 2.90%
win 2.21%
want 1.40%
take 1.33%
hold 1.23%
call 1.16%
make 1.02%
back 0.45%
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