71.   The contract provides the dockworkers with lower pay raises than those recently granted to Pacific coast dockworkers, and grants work-rule concessions to employers.

72.   The magazine will be distributed on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and the subscriptions selling every day come from throughout the United States, the founders said.

73.   The line would hook up with the main pipeline running from the Camisea field in eastern Peru, to the capital Lima, on the Pacific coast.

74.   The Pacific coast is the hub of outdoor life, from here to Big Sur to Santa Cruz up to Puget Sound.

75.   The Pacific coast will turn cooler.

76.   The Pacific coast will stay dry and seasonable with partial sun.

77.   The Pacific Coast Highway is a two-laned stretch of concrete and asphalt that begins in San Diego and unravels along the Pacific coast to Leggett, Calif.

78.   The Puget Sound, a stretch of water that cuts inland from the northwest Pacific coast of the United States, is Boeing country.

79.   The ordinance would apply to an entire commercial district, a two-mile stretch of Pacific coast developed with public funds as a tourist mecca.

80.   The Pacific coast and the southwest are home to the greatest number of the crow-sized speedster.

a. + coast >>共 314
southern 6.75%
pacific 6.03%
northeast 5.77%
northwest 5.69%
atlantic 5.32%
south 5.08%
southeast 4.84%
adriatic 3.83%
northern 3.54%
mediterranean 3.30%
pacific + n. >>共 339
island 12.81%
coast 11.82%
nation 6.04%
air 4.69%
state 3.91%
region 3.85%
storm 3.33%
disturbance 3.23%
salmon 2.03%
country 1.98%
每页显示:    共 226