71.   His opponents accused him of links to corruption, erratic policymaking and failing to fix the crisis-ridden economy or resolving several bloody sectarian and separatist conflicts.

72.   His opponents accuse the ruling Democratic and Social Convention party of not being tough enough on Libyan-backed Tuareg rebels fighting a war of secession.

73.   His opponents accused him of erratic policymaking and failing to fix the crisis-ridden economy or resolving several bloody sectarian and separatist conflicts.

74.   His opponents accused Tudjman of being in flat contradiction of the Dayton peace accord.

75.   His opponents also accused him of channeling lucrative contracts for state business to his cronies.

76.   His opponents have accused him of everything from anti-Semitic connections to covering up wealth.

77.   Hun Sen, whom opponents have long accused of corruption, has reportedly offered to pay for the losses from his own pocket.

78.   His opponents accuse the military leader of manipulating the electoral system to ensure that he wins the civilian presidency.

79.   However, opponents accuse him of abusing his power over three decades of virtually unchallenged power to enrich himself, his family and a clique of cronies.

80.   Many of the leaders went into hiding, and her religious and political opponents accused her of pandering to a secular West.

n. + accuse >>共 475
official 7.02%
government 6.69%
group 5.89%
critic 4.49%
side 4.03%
leader 3.19%
authority 2.69%
opposition 2.18%
rebel 2.17%
party 2.01%
opponent 1.22%
opponent + v. >>共 759
say 21.95%
be 12.18%
argue 4.74%
have 2.39%
accuse 1.94%
call 1.53%
claim 1.48%
contend 1.42%
fear 1.27%
try 1.12%
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