71.   In LA, the Clips rank right up there with natural disasters like floods and earthquakes, and unnatural ones like riots and OJ.

72.   In the last decade, dozens of concert halls and opera houses in Europe, including famous ones like the Berlin Staatsoper, have installed electronic sound systems.

73.   In the last decade dozens of concerts halls and opera houses in Europe, including famous ones like the Berlin Staatsoper, have installed controversial electronic sound systems.

74.   In Westchester County alone, at least nine public school districts have programs charging tuition to nonresident students, including prestigious ones like Bronxville, Edgemont and Mamaroneck.

75.   In tight elections voters who feel strongly on a single issue, even a specialized one like abortion, can make a big difference.

76.   In the end, the Lakers did what they are wont to do to veteran teams, much less young and thin ones like the Rockets.

77.   It also enables employers to negotiate deals for a much wider array of products, including more expensive ones like insurance or even home-mortgage rates.

78.   Instead of avoiding carbohydrates altogether, include some healthy ones like starchy vegetables, fruits, whole-wheat pasta and chewy, multigrain breads.

79.   It includes moderates senators like John Chafee of Rhode Island and Fritz Hollings of South Carolina and liberal ones like Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and Barbara Boxer of California.

80.   It is hard to keep dance companies together, particularly small, hard-working ones like Evidence.

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