71.   The hotel offers reservations by E-mail from its own site, but it is also listed on Expedia, where you can check room availability and price while online.

72.   The GAO said some cases food offered by the school itself, and others in food brought in by students or parents.

73.   The leading proposal, offered by Sen. Bob Graham, D-Fla., would provide drug coverage as a standard part of the Medicare benefit package.

74.   The House passed its version of the bill in March, and while it includes definitions similar to those in the bill offered by Murkowski, there are differences.

75.   The other offers coverage by a single insurance company, usually without reference to what others are charging.

76.   The proposal, offered by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., was supported by Clinton.

77.   The security once offered by the health service has been undermined.

78.   The Senate version, offered by Jon Corzine, D-N.J., would let states decide the hands-free issue.

79.   The sweet reason once offered by college presidents is in demand again.

80.   The Senate is to begin debate this week on a number of gun control measures, some of which mirror proposals offered recently by President Clinton.

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