71.   A sixth foreigner, Norwegian police officer Oeyvind Nordgaren, was released Friday after negotiations between Norwegian officials and Egal.

72.   A sixth foreigner, a Norwegian police officer was freed on Friday after negotiations between Norwegian officials and President Egal.

73.   Football Association of Ireland spokesman John Givens said theY were trying to get hold of more tickets from Norwegian officials.

74.   Norway has suspended its aid programme in the Tanzanian autonomous island province of Zanzibar to protest suspect elections held last year, Norwegian officials said Monday.

75.   Norwegian officials said they sighted an undetermined number of bodies, which they will provisionally identify.

76.   Norwegian officials would not say when she will leave Norway for Germany.

77.   NATO Secretary-General Willy Claes was due to discuss the enlargement of NATO with Norwegian leaders Wednesday on a visit to Oslo, Norwegian officials said.

78.   Norwegian maritime officials said on Saturday that the ship had failed seaworthiness checks in August, and raised concern over its safety and navigation equipment.

79.   Norwegian officials said they sighted an undetermined number of bodies.

80.   Norwegian officials, with the blessing of the United States, set up secret meetings across the country between Israeli and Palestinian officials.

a. + official >>共 393
senior 8.00%
military 5.53%
top 4.38%
state 3.93%
local 3.86%
israeli 3.77%
palestinian 3.40%
russian 3.34%
american 2.86%
federal 2.74%
norwegian 0.10%
norwegian + n. >>共 648
government 3.91%
official 3.16%
police 2.46%
company 2.16%
capital 2.08%
team 1.79%
authority 1.79%
ministry 1.75%
diplomat 1.64%
group 1.23%
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