71.   They also want Codelco to build a new hospital in Calama, the closest city to the mine.

72.   While the army and protesters fought in Gaza, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat presided over the opening of a new Gaza hospital and pledged the Palestinian fight will continue.

73.   We have always advised new private hospitals to train their own staff.

74.   Zedillo on Wednesday inaugurated a new hospital in Las Margaritas, a town near the center of conflict between the government and leftist Zapatista rebels.

75.   Zedillo will be next heading to the municipality of Zamora to inaugurate a new hospital.

76.   His visit to the new hospital, twice as big and better equipped than the old one, was followed by other pre-election largesse.

77.   Increases in spending were now providing new hospitals, schools and rolling stock for the railways, as well as new doctors, nurses and teachers, he said.

78.   Even if the Palestinians want to build new hospitals or hotels in the West Bank they will have to ask Israel first, she told AFP.

79.   The minister said a site supervisor for the Bougainville Health and Education Restoration Project was returning there to supervise construction work on a new hospital.

a. + hospital >>共 935
local 16.99%
military 9.26%
nearby 8.35%
public 4.53%
private 4.00%
state 2.31%
main 1.74%
same 1.63%
israeli 1.62%
palestinian 1.49%
new 0.95%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
hospital 0.03%
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