71.   The boxes may be gone, but the street name will remain after the handover.

72.   The name will remain a secret for a few weeks.

n. + remain >>共 1272
question 1.83%
market 1.57%
investor 1.56%
inflation 1.40%
price 1.29%
issue 1.20%
people 1.10%
problem 1.03%
economy 0.90%
difference 0.88%
name 0.18%
name + v. >>共 536
be 49.49%
come 3.53%
appear 3.53%
identify 3.29%
imply 2.09%
suggest 1.67%
have 1.66%
mean 1.49%
become 1.43%
surface 1.25%
remain 1.01%
每页显示:    共 72