71.   But his move drew immediate condemnation from the international community, and prompted President Didier Ratsiraka to declare a state of emergency in the island nation.

72.   But the move has drawn fire from the European Union which decided on Monday to break off all formal contacts with Canada until the Spanish trawler is released.

73.   But the move also drew objections.

74.   But the move has drawn a mixed response from national federations -- with the French accepting, the Italians refusing and the others demanding more time.

75.   But the move drew an angry response from UN diplomats, and the UN legal counsel ruled that the plan would curtail diplomatic immunity enshrined in international treaties.

76.   The move has drawn condemnation from Patten, as well as from the United States, Australia and Britain.

77.   The move immediately drew sharp criticism from neighbouring Pakistan which accused India of escalating military tensions along the already fraught border.

78.   The move drew immediate criticism from Issa Sesay, interim head of the defunct rebel group.

79.   The move drew outrage from some, like Amnesty International, who were defiant and put them up again.

80.   The move drew a howl of protest in the Arab press, with accusations that Washington had damaged its own credibility and further destabilised the region.

n. + draw >>共 1942
case 1.96%
proposal 1.58%
plan 1.46%
government 1.25%
move 1.16%
decision 1.09%
comment 0.97%
company 0.84%
remark 0.74%
event 0.71%
move + v. >>共 446
be 27.02%
come 9.70%
follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
have 1.66%
allow 1.47%
give 1.37%
appear 1.31%
mean 1.29%
draw 0.72%
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