71.   My father was a math teacher, very bright, with an original mind and an incredible ability to communicate.

72.   Ms. Farrelly suspects her father would have remained a math teacher had the salary allowed him to raise his large family.

73.   Newt married Jackie, his high school math teacher, as a teenager, and the couple had two daughters.

74.   My high-school math teacher took my phobia as a personal challenge.

75.   Neeb, the new Wayland math teacher, should know.

76.   One hour each week is devoted to physical education, which more often than not is a soccer game led by math teacher Bill Horder.

77.   On the video, Brazill can clearly be seen pointing the gun at math teacher John James as Brazill ran away.

78.   Or to boost higher education, expand college grants and train master math teachers as Gov. Rick Perry wants.

79.   Oscar Calle, a high school math teacher in the zone, says armed guerrillas have barged into his classroom to recruit students.

80.   Police officers are as much a part of schools these days as school nurses and math teachers.

n. + teacher >>共 306
school 10.56%
substitute 5.24%
history 5.16%
science 5.12%
math 5.08%
music 4.61%
kindergarten 4.01%
art 3.10%
university 2.10%
head 2.06%
math + n. >>共 159
teacher 13.21%
class 8.67%
problem 8.67%
skill 5.99%
test 5.78%
professor 5.26%
score 5.16%
course 2.37%
student 1.96%
whiz 1.86%
每页显示:    共 127