71.   Throughout the night rebel soldiers manned roadblocks on the streets of the capital.

72.   They were manning roadblocks set up on main roads in the city, although traffic was running normally elsewhere.

73.   Uniformed police guarded the premises and colleagues in riot gear manned roadblocks outside the capital.

74.   Meanwhile the governor of Kinshasa ordered a military inquiry into alleged corruption among soldiers manning roadblocks protecting the city from the deadly virus.

75.   Military police manning roadblocks stopped all men deemed suitable for military service to check their papers.

76.   Police on Monday guarded the courthouse and manned roadblocks outside the capital to prevent unrest.

77.   Ratsiraka supporters have for weeks been starving the highland capital of fuel and other essential supplies by manning roadblocks and blowing up bridges on key routes from the coast.

78.   Police guarded the premises and manned roadblocks outside the capital to prevent unrest.

79.   Police manning the roadblocks slackened controls before official orders to lift them.

80.   Rebel soldiers, who had manned roadblocks throughout the night, were driving round the capital in requisitioned buses, shooting machine-gun rounds in the air.

v. + roadblock >>共 126
set_up 34.39%
man 7.94%
erect 5.82%
remove 5.47%
throw 3.97%
lift 2.73%
put_up 2.65%
run 2.47%
hit 2.38%
approach 1.94%
man + n. >>共 230
checkpoint 18.33%
roadblock 12.50%
barricade 4.03%
post 3.61%
position 2.64%
phone 1.81%
station 1.81%
outpost 1.53%
gate 1.25%
road 1.25%
每页显示:    共 89