71.   Without tort reform to decrease the number of malpractice suits and large settlements, he said, few doctors could risk owning up to errors.

72.   Ordinarily, such cases of medical treatment gone wrong are handled through malpractice suits or disciplinary hearings in New York state.

73.   But it passed only after sponsors dropped a provision letting customers file malpractice suits against HMOs.

74.   However, in Texas, where the first such law was enacted, only a handful of malpractice suits have been filed.

75.   Malpractice suits abound, often against doctors who have given impeccable care to their patients.

76.   Malpractice suits are nonexistent.

77.   The arrest has shaken a nation where respect for doctors is high and malpractice suits are unusual.

78.   The scandal has appalled a nation where malpractice suits are rare and has led to more calls for bureaucratic reform.

79.   This will expose the company and its officers to litigation in the form of class action suits, professional malpractice suits and director and officer liability suits.

80.   Plastic surgeons risk high fines, malpractice suits and being struck off the register if an operation is badly carried out.

n. + suit >>共 564
class-action 10.37%
business 10.23%
libel 5.91%
discrimination 3.33%
defamation 2.81%
law 2.75%
malpractice 2.20%
shareholder 1.93%
track 1.79%
damage 1.76%
malpractice + n. >>共 65
suit 18.18%
case 14.77%
lawsuit 11.36%
insurance 8.41%
claim 5.23%
award 4.09%
lawyer 4.09%
law 3.86%
settlement 1.59%
premium 1.59%
每页显示:    共 80