71.   Bonn imposed the moratorium after eight Turkish MPs of Kurd origin were sentenced early December in Ankara to lengthy prison terms.

72.   British Home Secretary David Blunkett is seeking to introduce lengthy prison terms, including life sentences, for sex offenders and other violent criminals.

73.   The six have been convicted and sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

74.   Under Indian law, Mathew could face a lengthy prison sentence.

75.   While trafficking in heroin carries the death penalty in Thailand, most sentences are commuted to lengthy prison terms.

76.   While the death sentence is handed down for drug cases in Thailand, it is usually commuted to lengthy prison terms.

77.   Nine co-defendants, all of them former generals, are also on trial as co-defendants, and face lengthy prison sentences.

78.   Nine co-defendants, all of them former generals, are also on trial and face lengthy prison sentences.

79.   Offenders picked up during the six-month sweep face lengthy prison terms or execution for serious cases.

80.   Penalties for various kinds of homicide convictions vary widely but can include lengthy prison terms.

a. + prison >>共 817
federal 11.12%
long 5.25%
new 3.28%
maximum-security 2.86%
military 2.33%
israeli 1.95%
suspended 1.81%
lengthy 1.65%
chinese 1.55%
turkish 1.47%
lengthy + n. >>共 690
process 4.00%
negotiation 3.81%
prison 2.53%
delay 2.38%
discussion 2.23%
investigation 2.23%
interview 2.08%
debate 1.98%
meeting 1.92%
talk 1.83%
每页显示:    共 82