71.   Israel said it launched the operation in Palestinian-held areas late last month to root out gunmen and weaponry.

72.   It is planning to launch operations in Puerto Rico and Finland before the end of the year and in Switzerland and Italy next year.

73.   It is the first foreign company to enter the mobile phone service market in Denmark, although the Swedish telecom company Telia is preparing to launch operations.

74.   Israel has insisted that it launched the operation to defend its northern settlements from repeated attacks by Hezbollah guerilla rocket-fire.

75.   Israel launched the operation to stop pro-Iranian Hezbollah guerrillas from firing rockets into northern Israel.

76.   It was not clear if the latest operation was launched with such an objective.

77.   Ivanko indicated that the peacekeeping force was in a quandary about using air strikes to retaliate for shelling on safe areas used to launch military operations.

78.   Kajang Municipal Council public relations officer Arfah Mahani Amran said the council launched an operation to clear the obstructions recently.

79.   Johor police recently launched an operation at the Causeway and Second Link to trace the offenders.

80.   Meanwhile, Kamaruddin said police would launch more operations against illegal video centres in the State.

v. + operation >>共 566
have 6.25%
suspend 3.32%
resume 2.96%
begin 2.89%
undergo 2.40%
expand 2.34%
launch 2.22%
perform 2.04%
conduct 1.92%
run 1.88%
launch + n. >>共 470
attack 12.43%
investigation 7.89%
campaign 6.22%
offensive 4.03%
satellite 2.49%
operation 2.25%
inquiry 2.05%
search 2.00%
series 1.80%
crackdown 1.78%
每页显示:    共 261