71.   He said that many in the labor movement were skeptical that Herman could be an effective advocate for their issues.

72.   He must steer his beloved labor movement, and its nascent spirit of revival, through the coming legal and political assaults.

73.   He speaks for them, said Thomas Geoghegan, a lawyer and chronicler of the decline of the labor movement.

74.   Her rise underscores the changing face of labor and signals a growing realization among unions they must reach out to women to rejuvenate the flagging labor movement.

75.   He would have remembered all the insults the Teamsters had administered to the labor movement over the years.

76.   Hoffa offers no endorsement of Nader, but says the candidate is more in step with working Americans and the labor movement than Democrat Al Gore.

77.   His job is to make the labor movement grow again, and he is moving aggressively in that direction.

78.   I had done some talks about what I thought were the dangers of the microelectronics revolution, with the weakening of the labor movement.

79.   Horn is angry that the union did not provide strike benefits and did little to rally support from the labor movement.

80.   How did the U.S. labor movement go from being a progressive force to being the leading opponent of free trade and pal of Pat Buchanan?

n. + movement >>共 841
troop 8.32%
rebel 7.69%
independence 4.41%
labor 4.22%
opposition 3.88%
guerrilla 3.63%
reform 2.80%
youth 2.07%
price 2.01%
resistance 1.98%
labor + n. >>共 359
market 9.06%
cost 8.05%
law 5.74%
leader 5.46%
dispute 5.22%
camp 4.09%
force 2.58%
group 2.48%
unrest 2.48%
movement 2.28%
每页显示:    共 267