71.   The new commercials have a surreal look, featuring solitary travelers in an all-white fuselage, enjoying a featherbed or listening to a jazz band.

72.   The sonorities of jazz bands, dominated by reeds and brasses, had their effect on classical music, too.

73.   There was the happy sound of a jazz band, a French-style combo that included fiddles and accordions.

74.   To hear the HDCD process applied to a great symphony orchestra, a high-powered jazz band, a pianistic lion -- that is a tantalizing thought.

75.   While in Seattle she plays ukulele in a hot jazz band, the Yes Yes Boys.

76.   Why would the reclusive Allen allow a film crew to follow him as he toured Europe with his Dixieland jazz band?

77.   Williams wanted to be in the jazz band, but his teacher demanded he go through marching band first.

78.   A jazz enthusiast, he started in entertainment as the drummer in a local jazz band.

79.   A keen musician, Reinhardt plays cello, guitar and drums, and once had his own jazz band.

80.   As in the old days, the family will rent the Najib Aziz Hotel, along with a jazz band, for a proper Afghan wedding.

a. + band >>共 1015
small 5.60%
marching 5.20%
narrow 3.63%
military 3.47%
new 3.19%
armed 2.46%
local 2.23%
jazz 2.20%
broken 1.99%
live 1.95%
jazz + n. >>共 501
musician 10.53%
club 4.37%
band 3.81%
singer 2.96%
fan 2.92%
pianist 2.84%
player 2.27%
artist 2.07%
festival 1.70%
music 1.70%
每页显示:    共 93