71.   As far as Germany was concerned, he said, the question of lifting the international embargo on Serbia was linked to solving the problems of Kosovo and Krajina.

72.   As they met, an official in Baghdad said that Iraq will not recognise the sovereignty of Kuwait until the international embargo against Baghdad is lifted.

73.   Baghdad has been pressing the United Nations to lift the international embargo imposed after its invasion of Kuwait.

74.   Bahrain hosts the headquarters of the US Fifth Fleet which oversees the international embargo slapped on Iraq following its invasion of Kuwait.

75.   Aziz is expected to travel back to Baghdad via Damascus because of an international embargo on flights to and from Iraq, Interfax said.

76.   Bank officials attributed the lag to an international embargo on the region that was only lifted earlier this year.

77.   Baghdad has argued that it has fulfilled its obligations on disarmament and has called in return for a lifting of the international embargo preventing it selling its oil.

78.   But a senior government official, declining to be named, told AFP that Iraq would not recognise the sovereignty of Kuwait until the international embargo was lifted.

79.   But Belgrade, reeling under the international embargo, has every interest in seeing a settlement of the conflict in the former Yugoslav republic.

80.   But divisive issues such as the international embargo on Iraq were swept under the carpet.

a. + embargo >>共 161
economic 42.02%
international 12.87%
american 3.40%
crippling 2.98%
current 1.49%
longstanding 1.38%
iraqi 1.06%
long-standing 1.06%
total 0.96%
crushing 0.96%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
embargo 0.18%
每页显示:    共 120