71.   The daily said the U.S. inspectors visited the port of Dubrovnik, which also is the naval border crossing, two weeks ago.

72.   The IRA did permit international inspectors to visit three arms dumps in June, but did not surrender any weapons for destruction.

73.   The Iraqi chemistry professor smiles wearily as he tells how U.N. inspectors visited his university department in Baghdad in search of weapons of mass destruction.

74.   The resolution would endorse an agreement reached last week in Baghdad by Annan that allows U.N. inspectors to visit eight presidential palaces.

75.   The Thais were ordered out of the factory after local council inspectors visited the premises late last week.

76.   The United States threatened punishing air strikes if Iraq did not relent and allow inspectors to visit the palaces.

77.   U.N. inspectors have visited the area, but were barred from digging.

78.   U.N. inspectors later visited all eight sites and reported finding no banned weapons.

79.   U.N. inspectors later visited all eight sites but reported finding no banned weapons.

80.   U.N. inspectors visited the eight presidential sites after the Annan agreement but reported finding no banned weapons.

n. + visit >>共 877
official 6.80%
delegation 5.60%
team 3.30%
people 2.86%
president 2.55%
leader 2.45%
tourist 2.11%
pope 1.76%
group 1.74%
inspector 1.68%
inspector + v. >>共 490
say 8.96%
be 8.73%
certify 5.73%
find 5.45%
have 3.56%
return 3.28%
visit 2.42%
leave 2.14%
accuse 1.42%
verify 1.39%
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