71.   The United States has been lobbying for indefinite extension of the pact.

72.   The United States has been pressing for an indefinite extension.

73.   The United States is pushing for an indefinite extension of the pact, which many states without nuclear weapons oppose.

74.   The U.S. delegation hopes these two documents will be the basis for consensus on indefinite extension.

75.   The United States is pushing for indefinite extension of the treaty.

76.   They fear the U.S. delegation will orchestrate rules to ease the way for indefinite extension.

77.   They also backed indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which is to be reviewed at a conference in New York next month.

78.   U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said he expects countries to endorse the indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

79.   While he did, Foreign Ministers Abdul Karim Kabariti of Jordan and Farouk al-Sharaa of Syria took their turns at the rostrum with arguments against indefinite extension.

80.   Washington has lobbied hard for an indefinite extension.

a. + extension >>共 345
indefinite 12.04%
natural 4.47%
further 3.43%
possible 3.35%
new 3.11%
logical 2.95%
limited 2.47%
temporary 2.23%
such 2.23%
long-term 2.23%
indefinite + n. >>共 118
extension 16.05%
detention 14.77%
period 12.01%
strike 9.25%
curfew 5.42%
suspension 3.93%
hold 2.87%
leave 2.66%
ban 2.34%
stay 1.91%
每页显示:    共 150