71.   The increased scrutiny under modern communications.

72.   The meeting comes amid recent increased scrutiny of obesity drugs and their rare, though potentially deadly, side effects.

73.   The North American Securities Administrators Association, which has called for increased scrutiny of day trading, was also supportive.

74.   The pest-control industry, meanwhile, is drawing increased scrutiny from government officials in several states.

75.   The software giant, however, has found itself under increased scrutiny by the Justice Department for his dominant position in the software industry.

76.   The telemarketing industry is coming under increasing attack from consumers and increased scrutiny from trade groups.

77.   The vote represented a major setback for YankeeNets, whose corporate partner is George Steinbrenner, and reflected the increased scrutiny nationally of publicly financed sports complexes.

78.   To a degree, though, the economics of operating Connecticut Yankee have hinged on increased costs stemming from shutdowns and increased regulatory scrutiny.

79.   U.S. market regulators say a rash of suspicious trading involving securities of takeover-related companies is spurring increased scrutiny of the booming mergers and acquisitions business.

80.   While Givens thinks increased scrutiny of employees is inevitable, she urges companies to comply with the law in performing them.

a. + scrutiny >>共 320
public 10.99%
intense 9.44%
close 7.96%
increased 4.68%
greater 3.92%
closer 3.79%
regulatory 2.74%
increasing 2.61%
international 2.11%
careful 1.94%
increased + n. >>共 809
competition 4.95%
demand 4.43%
risk 3.76%
security 2.53%
pressure 1.93%
production 1.91%
cost 1.87%
sale 1.87%
use 1.65%
trade 1.38%
scrutiny 0.86%
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