71.   Government officials defended the policy, saying that Ethiopian immigrants have a higher risk of AIDS infection than other Israelis.

72.   He said new migrant controls would require a declaration that an immigrant had no Triad or organized crime connections.

73.   His proposed legislation on immigration and citizenship, published earlier this month, said immigrants should have to take compulsory tests on language and British society.

74.   His proposed legislation on immigration and citizenship, published earlier this year, said immigrants should have to take compulsory tests on language and British society.

75.   Immigrants had to carry identification cards, and many had their property seized.

76.   Immigrants will have to demonstrate a working knowledge of English and an understanding of British institutions in order to become British citizens, Home Secretary David Blunkett said Thursday.

77.   Immigrants will have to demonstrate a working knowledge of English and an understanding of British institutions to become citizens, Home Secretary David Blunkett said Thursday.

78.   Israel has defended the policy, saying that the Ethiopian immigrants have a higher risk of AIDS infection than do other Israelis.

79.   Israel has defended the policy, saying that the Ethiopian immigrants have a higher risk of AIDS infection that other Israelis.

80.   Lawyers for the two men said deportable immigrants still have their constitutional rights, and it is not fair to hold them in open-ended detention.

n. + have >>共 1318
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people 1.78%
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woman 0.87%
immigrant 0.05%
immigrant + v. >>共 468
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