71.   Willi looked very dubious, but at that moment they heard voices in the lobby outside.

72.   Just the thought of talking to him, the thought of hearing his voice had caused her heart to leap to her throat.

73.   She was glad to hear her voice sounding so calm.

74.   I thought the doctor had forgotten to draw back the curtain, and I was just about to do it when I heard his voice.

75.   She could almost hear his voice again.

76.   She could hear voices ahead, a girl squealing, a man laughing.

77.   As they stepped into the porch, Juliet heard a voice from inside, calling stridently to someone named Margaret.

78.   At the same instant Luce heard the voices.

79.   It was good to hear voices echoing around the sometimes solemn house and the laughter of the women as they moved around attending to their chores.

80.   She could hear voices on the path behind them, and she could hear every word they were saying.

v. + voice >>共 466
hear 18.28%
raise 10.85%
have 6.63%
add 5.95%
give 4.52%
find 3.30%
lose 2.91%
lower 2.20%
recognize 1.63%
use 1.58%
hear + n. >>共 761
case 7.79%
argument 4.47%
explosion 4.18%
voice 3.68%
news 3.25%
testimony 2.63%
appeal 2.43%
shot 2.39%
story 2.23%
sound 2.22%
每页显示:    共 611