71.   Yet the hard data is far from conclusive.

72.   Dr. Lynn Hartmann, a cancer specialist at the Mayo Clinic, said there is very little hard data on the benefits of preventive surgery for such women.

73.   Economists see the survey numbers as an indication of an improvement in the economy, and expect to see hard data supporting this upturn in the coming months.

74.   Feldman acknowledged that hard data on pesticide use and health risks in schools is sketchy.

75.   Hard data are needed to prevent a repeat of the mistakes that led to the explosion and its mystifying aftereffects.

76.   However, until now, this belief was based more on anecdotes than on hard data.

77.   It should include hard data on company products, sales, business triumphs, plans and expected changes.

78.   Like other visitors to North Korea, Yale said they were given little hard data on the economy or the extent of malnutrition and disease.

79.   While hard data is minimal, the change has revolutionized veterinary medicine, said Dr. Priscilla Dressen, instructor at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.

80.   SET officials reached by telephone told AFP that Bangkok Land stock would remain suspended from trading until the company provided hard data to confirm or deny the reports.

a. + datum >>共 1190
economic 12.11%
new 4.59%
financial 2.65%
personal 2.48%
recent 2.15%
high-speed 1.59%
sales 1.36%
raw 1.19%
scientific 1.16%
available 1.14%
hard 0.95%
hard + n. >>共 557
time 18.59%
work 13.62%
drive 7.61%
hit 3.96%
way 3.84%
part 2.10%
evidence 1.97%
look 1.28%
hat 1.17%
worker 0.98%
datum 0.53%
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