71.   He does, though, have tattoos of the Palestinian flag and the symbol of a Palestinian guerrilla group prominent decades ago.

72.   Guerrilla groups, labor unions and social activist movements are in decline.

73.   He also said he would be willing to renounce his candidacy if his plan to hold negotiations with guerrilla groups gets underway.

74.   He earned worldwide respect for taming hyperinflation and for defeating the feared Shining Path guerrilla group.

75.   His comments came a day after a high court overturned a law the defined combat killings by guerrilla groups as political acts that are immune from prosecution.

76.   Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed guerrilla group, claimed responsibility for the attack.

77.   Hezbollah, the militant Iranian-backed guerrilla group, is probing Israeli defenses daily, and the Israelis are on constant guard for attacks across the frontier.

78.   His journalistic resume includes travels with guerrilla groups from El Salvador to Afghanistan to such out-of-the way venues as the western Sahara and Burma.

79.   His offer came in response to a letter from a guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, that appealed for talks.

80.   In August three IRA members were arrested in Colombia, apparently giving explosives training to a Marxist guerrilla group.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
guerrilla + n. >>共 400
group 17.66%
war 8.93%
attack 8.49%
leader 6.86%
base 3.95%
movement 3.38%
hideout 3.35%
position 3.34%
fighter 3.01%
warfare 2.68%
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