71.   He said the planned union would have its own budget, a crest and flag, and its borders would be guarded jointly.

72.   Islamic rebels have been waging a guerrilla war against the Russian-backed regime, launching frequent raids from Afghanistan on the CIS forces guarding the border.

73.   Ancient Lada cars slither over the frozen snow, zigzagging round concrete blocks placed there by the Russian soldiers guarding the border between Daghestan and eastern Chechnya.

74.   Both the Israeli-Syrian and Israeli-Lebanese borders are guarded by UN forces overseeing cease fires.

75.   The planned union will have its own budget for financing joint programmes, a crest and flag, and its borders will be guarded jointly, Lukashenko said.

76.   Moscow maintain a presence in Central Asia, particularly in former Soviet Tajikistan where Russian troops guard the border with Afghanistan, the foreign minister said.

77.   Panama, like Venezuela and Ecuador, has been making contingency plans to guard its borders with Colombia should the peace talks break down entirely.

78.   Pakistan has reinforced troops guarding its border with Afghanistan and US and allied naval forces are patrolling offshore to prevent escape by sea.

79.   Paramilitary troops have been called to guard the border after Bugti tribesmen from Baluchistan crossed into Punjab and launched an attack on local Mazaris.

80.   Russian peacekeepers now guard the border between Abkhazia and the rest of Georgia.

v. + border >>共 319
cross 36.99%
close 10.66%
seal 5.48%
open 4.32%
share 3.81%
patrol 2.58%
guard 1.86%
mark 1.70%
reopen 1.42%
straddle 1.37%
guard + n. >>共 664
entrance 4.35%
building 3.39%
border 3.31%
site 3.19%
privacy 2.73%
area 2.61%
house 1.45%
door 1.41%
prisoner 1.41%
gate 1.24%
每页显示:    共 80