71.   Privacy groups argue that the measures the government seeks will give the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies worrisome new powers over citizens.

72.   Privacy groups argue that the merger of computers and the Internet has brought the specter of a new surveillance society.

73.   Rural development groups argued elephants should be free to have as many calfs as they pleased, and to expand their families to the size God intended.

74.   Some child-advocacy groups argue that the locks could cut down significantly on accidental gunshot deaths and injury among children.

75.   Some environmental groups argue that removing the wood will disrupt the natural cycle of decomposition and promote runoff of sediment that could harm fish.

76.   Some fund groups argue that their members do not belong on the Morningstar list.

77.   Songwriter groups argued the bill would unjustifiably deny artists royalties for their songs.

78.   Such clots, known as asymptomatic DVT, usually dissolve harmlessly, but consumer groups argue that they solidify the link between flying and DVT.

79.   Tenant groups argue that both studies probably understate the impact of deregulation.

80.   The anti-abortion group argued unsuccessfully it was merely asserting its constitutional First Amendment right to free speech.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
group + v. >>共 723
say 9.83%
be 9.19%
have 3.36%
claim 3.17%
include 1.64%
call 1.57%
plan 1.51%
accuse 1.35%
want 1.19%
take 1.04%
argue 0.42%
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