71.   The president will probably get something similar to his original grand scheme, but it is bound to be smaller and tidier.

72.   The records Williams broke Saturday mean little in the grand scheme of things, but they may mean more in years to come.

73.   The Oxbo Road Habitat homes are part of the grand scheme.

74.   The whole grand scheme collapsed of its own weight.

75.   The truce lasted perhaps half an hour and it meant nothing in the grand schemes of the Western Front generals.

76.   There he was taken under the wings of the fabulous Pitrim Sorokin, a Russian emigre interested in grand schemes of history.

77.   They are totally meaningless in the grand scheme.

78.   There was a grand scheme behind these deals, too.

79.   They are unimportant in the grand scheme, but they are important in helping us recognize who we are and how we got here.

80.   This is pretty petty stuff in the grand scheme of things, but lies are lies, at least when they get to court.

a. + scheme >>共 855
new 6.63%
grand 3.18%
defensive 2.91%
alleged 2.40%
similar 2.23%
such 2.16%
insurance 1.93%
offensive 1.86%
pilot 1.79%
blocking 1.45%
grand + n. >>共 840
juror 4.05%
scale 3.67%
theft 3.18%
prize 3.10%
plan 2.88%
opening 2.77%
scheme 2.56%
finale 2.04%
council 1.77%
entrance 1.66%
每页显示:    共 93