71.   Calm returned to the capital city of Tehran as residents obeyed official warnings that the government would use all necessary means to restore order.

72.   Congress has allowed the government to use secret evidence to protect national security.

73.   Container operators privately expressed concern that the Chinese government would use the renegotiation to ensure Cosco got a slice of the pie.

74.   Currently, the government uses a complicated formula to decide how much to pay plans to provide insurance.

75.   Critics say the government is using the farm invasions as one instrument in a campaign of intimidation against supporters of the new party, the Movement for Democratic Change.

76.   Defense lawyers also contend that the government used the informer to unlawfully entrap Ms. Shabazz.

77.   Despite criticism that the government used excessive force in the raid, Americans have overwhelmingly approved of it in poll after poll.

78.   Depending on how the government uses the borrowed money, economic growth could suffer.

79.   During the Pacific battles of World War II, the U.S. government used Navajo Marines to relay vital military information by employing an encrypted code based on their language.

80.   Economists estimate that the government could use as much as half of its reserves to defend the real if it comes under fire from currency speculators.

n. + use >>共 1017
company 4.37%
police 3.55%
people 3.04%
government 2.19%
team 1.10%
group 0.92%
system 0.89%
worker 0.86%
official 0.82%
doctor 0.77%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
use 0.68%
每页显示:    共 683