71.   Demonstrators, some of them actresses, began gathering signatures opposing the nuclear tests and also called for a boycott of French products.

72.   Fedida is reportedly close to Socialist lawmaker Arnaud Montebourg, who has gathered signatures for a petition to try to get Chirac prosecuted for corruption before a special court.

73.   He singled out as unconstitutional a requirement that petitions be circulated only by people who live within the district where they gather signatures.

74.   Her organization, which consists of just Webb, her husband and another person, cannot afford to hire people to gather signatures.

75.   I am informed that such an effort, called the Varela Project, has gathered sufficient signatures and has presented such a petition to the National Assembly.

76.   If Rosenfield decides to go forward, he will have about five months to gather signatures to qualify his measure.

77.   In her hospital room, meanwhile, she gathers signatures on a petition for the U.S. Campaign to Ban Land Mines.

78.   Korean American community leaders in Seattle were gathering signatures on letters urging the Seoul government to allow the consul general to finish his term.

79.   Last week, would-be separatists in the arctic city of Tromso were gathering signatures on a petition for independence for north Norway, Sweden and Finland.

80.   Lawmakers gathered enough signatures to ask speaker Ivan Rybkin to call an emergency session of the legislature.

v. + signature >>共 190
collect 16.44%
gather 10.24%
forge 5.07%
put 4.14%
get 3.93%
have 3.52%
bear 2.79%
require 2.07%
add 1.86%
verify 1.86%
gather + n. >>共 706
information 15.45%
evidence 8.84%
datum 4.80%
momentum 3.01%
steam 2.88%
intelligence 2.61%
signature 2.46%
support 2.46%
dust 2.41%
strength 2.39%
每页显示:    共 98