71.   The move followed a threat by one of leading defendants to implicate Interior Ministry officials in a heroin smuggling ring.

72.   The move came as Security Council members were considering scaling-down the U.N. force in neighboring Croatia following a threat by Zagreb to expel the peacekeepers.

73.   The Saturday statement followed his threat to refuse to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors if they have not completed their work within four months.

74.   The report follows several threats of economic sanctions from the West if Croatia does not improve.

75.   Treffinger said he got a carry permit from a judge following death threats when he first took office in Essex County.

76.   From his hospital bed Yurum told police that he had already once asked for police protection following anonymous threats.

77.   He said the two parties supporting him in the poll would drop their logos from ballot papers, following a threat by Gusmao to pull out over the issue.

78.   International aid agencies evacuated the big Tingi Tingi camp last Friday following threats by Zairean government troops.

79.   A music industry watchdog against compact disc piracy has decided to close down its office in southern China following threats against its staff members, it was reported Tuesday.

80.   But it followed opposition threats to lay siege to the parliament if the session continued.

v. + threat >>共 584
pose 14.12%
receive 11.61%
make 7.94%
face 4.44%
end 4.36%
take 2.23%
use 1.76%
issue 1.54%
reduce 1.44%
follow 1.39%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
threat 0.29%
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