71.   Clinton and Dole can debate this issue all they want, but the final say will come from the Supreme Court.

72.   Company executives like to have final say on chapter drafts.

73.   Congress has the final say on all weapons sales.

74.   Congress has the power of the purse and potential final say over legislation.

75.   CPS does not have final say.

76.   Critics want to give the next president the final say on the far-reaching regulations, hoping that a Republican White House would be more sympathetic to their opposition.

77.   Cowin screens the dozens of new ideas received weekly, but Allen gets the final say on whether a tool is added to the line.

78.   Detroit president John McHale and general manager Randy Smith are publicly supporting manager Larry Parrish, although owner Mike Ilitch will have the final say.

79.   Does a team give final say on all personnel matters to the head coach or the general manager?

80.   Depending on how the court rules, the Legislature may have the final say.

a. + say >>共 246
final 39.51%
greater 8.41%
bigger 3.12%
equal 1.99%
ultimate 1.99%
direct 1.56%
big 1.56%
major 1.39%
poor 1.39%
last 1.21%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
say 0.95%
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