71.   Some younger fathers make a deliberate effort to be nurturers for their sons, to be loving and available to their boys.

72.   Sureel is to become a doctor, and his father makes clear that when the time comes, he will arrange a marriage for him.

73.   The father is making a loop for skiing on his cross country skis.

74.   The father made plans to visit Hawaii in early March.

75.   The defining moment for the Flores campaign came two weeks ago when her father made an off-the-cuff racist remark comparing Toledo to a llama or alpaca.

76.   The fathers have made it clear that these Games are about their children.

77.   The family likes to joke about the way her father makes a decision, then pretends he needs time to think about it and eventually announces his original decision.

78.   The father also made peace with Andy when their relationship was fractured.

79.   The good father makes Gene Budig look tough and decisive.

80.   The son has come to see the father make history, and Ndeti does not plan on disappointing him.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
father 0.16%
father + v. >>共 546
be 28.80%
die 4.34%
say 3.51%
have 3.22%
work 2.17%
tell 1.66%
do 1.55%
take 1.46%
go 1.14%
come 1.12%
make 0.97%
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