71.   This is also a surprisingly familiar pattern in epidemics.

72.   This was a pattern familiar to his friends.

73.   To American ears, this familiar pattern identifies a World Wide Web site on the Internet.

74.   To get there, Miami followed a familiar pattern laid out by coach Jimmy Johnson.

75.   To Israeli intelligence, the reform fits a familiar pattern for Arafat, of preventing any clear successor or challenger from emerging by dividing power below his level.

76.   Until then, investors had focused on the familiar pattern under Greenspan in which the Fed always acted serially, pushing rights higher or lower several times in succession.

77.   What little was revealed about Sattar, who was first identified Friday by the Belgian daily Le Soir, fit a familiar pattern.

78.   What seems a contradiction is only, as Auchincloss recognizes, a pattern familiar to most of us.

79.   Within hours of the latest bomb attack, the Rabin government followed a familiar pattern and ordered the borders closed, keeping these working Palestinians at home and frustrated.

80.   Yet on some inarticulate level I sensed that the sculpture, while novel, corresponded to familiar patterns.

a. + pattern >>共 1249
same 4.60%
similar 4.23%
different 2.01%
familiar 1.99%
voting 1.84%
new 1.48%
normal 1.26%
spending 1.26%
geometric 1.22%
floral 1.07%
familiar + n. >>共 1382
people 7.07%
face 6.66%
source 4.86%
name 3.30%
official 2.99%
person 2.89%
territory 1.89%
one 1.74%
figure 1.56%
pattern 1.54%
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