71.   The very large Volkswagen owner grabbed the diminutive cabdriver by the shirt and hoisted him up to eye level, letting his feet dangle.

72.   The very old ones with wooden walls may have small holes, conveniently at eye level.

73.   There was a thoughtful pause, and he lifted his gaze above her eye level.

74.   These gargoyles can be seen at eye level, and a passer-by can even brush up against them.

75.   They also move the focal point to eye level and above.

76.   These, too, are painted orange, with naked fluorescent tubes glaring out from above the mirrors at eye level.

77.   There was a floor beam actually hanging down at eye level.

78.   They did not need them as it came in at eye level, then flared up and over the blind.

79.   There were also temporary orange paint dabs at eye level on tree trunks.

80.   This I learned on a chilly October morning as we stood on the back porch, where we were almost at eye level with the tops of several oaks.

n. + level >>共 1503
cholesterol 2.82%
income 2.35%
price 1.98%
grade 1.80%
skill 1.66%
comfort 1.50%
production 1.46%
pollution 1.43%
blood 1.41%
radiation 1.39%
eye 0.92%
eye + n. >>共 372
injury 7.60%
surgery 6.24%
socket 4.13%
level 4.04%
doctor 4.04%
open 3.65%
problem 2.99%
drop 2.68%
disease 2.55%
surgeon 2.50%
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