71.   The whole toddler experience left me traumatized.

72.   The whole experience has left him with some good cocktail-party stories, as well as a new appreciation for minimalism.

73.   These experiences left little room for illusions.

74.   There was some thought that the experience might leave him a bit shell shocked.

75.   These disparate experiences left an indelible impression on McKayle.

76.   This experience has left Johnson somewhat rattled about the possibility of being caught in a hotel fire.

77.   This experience has left me a lot of bruises, a lot of scars.

78.   Those experiences have left him with no interest in the black world and not a kind word for African-Americans.

79.   This experience has left us emotionally and financially drained.

80.   Twice he got off in a prison cell, and those experiences have left him overweight, overwrought, overextended, and overly concerned about his next opponent.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
experience 0.47%
experience + v. >>共 482
be 34.45%
show 4.90%
make 3.56%
help 3.27%
teach 2.95%
leave 2.60%
suggest 1.98%
give 1.98%
have 1.79%
lead 1.55%
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