71.   No economy and politics exist without dialog and negotiations.

72.   Our proposal would solve the problems that exist without destroying tribal governments by exposing them to unlimited liability in tort.

73.   Such situations could not exist without the complicity of guards and prison officials, experts say.

74.   The Cabinet cannot exist without the Ulster Unionists, the largest party.

75.   Their theology rejects nationalism and yet they cannot exist without being in a nation-state.

76.   Adamirov said the opposition would not exist without Moscow pulling the strings.

77.   This interim regime came to power after a decade of lawlessness, during which Somalia existed without a government.

78.   Without the protection of the ozone layer, people get cancer and crops die, as animals and plants cannot exist without it.

79.   Without the ozone layer, people would get cancer and crops die, as animals and plants cannot exist without it.

v. + without >>共 860
go 6.20%
hold 4.20%
play 3.93%
leave 3.67%
say 3.21%
pass 2.27%
end 1.74%
come 1.72%
release 1.56%
work 1.44%
exist 0.30%
exist + p. >>共 85
in 39.20%
for 13.20%
on 8.36%
between 7.74%
as 4.79%
at 3.40%
before 2.37%
within 1.96%
among 1.86%
with 1.65%
without 1.53%
每页显示:    共 79