71.   He replaces Mustapha Benmansour, who was accused of electoral fraud.

72.   If authentic, the documents would provide a rare paper trail of electoral fraud, which opposition leaders, international observers and many voters acknowledge is commonplace in Mexico.

73.   In a response to past electoral fraud in the state, election officials split the balloting over five days and ordered tight security.

74.   In Denmark, Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller said the country would close its embassy in Zimbabwe if the reports of electoral fraud turned out to be true.

75.   In the formative stages, Pramuan said the department would merely help ensure there is no electoral fraud or vote buying and that the elections are fair and just.

76.   In the face of accusations of electoral fraud, Algerian President Liamine Zeroual said Sunday that the parliamentary elections were fair and could be counted as a success.

77.   In the past, the group has criticized the government for electoral fraud and voter coercion.

78.   Independent observers said it was marred by electoral fraud.

79.   INEC, which organized the vote, was named as a party in the case for having allegedly contributed to electoral fraud.

80.   In the past, it has always been the opposition that has accused the PRI of electoral fraud.

a. + fraud >>共 329
electoral 9.34%
alleged 9.02%
insurance 7.02%
widespread 5.83%
massive 4.86%
financial 4.70%
possible 3.62%
stock 2.92%
academic 2.70%
federal 2.43%
electoral + n. >>共 595
commission 12.05%
vote 6.61%
process 5.66%
law 5.18%
system 4.98%
reform 3.53%
fraud 3.43%
official 3.37%
council 2.26%
campaign 2.16%
每页显示:    共 172