71.   The most effective control is pruning.

72.   The result would be to transfer to minorities effective control over many, perhaps most, significant legislative decisions.

73.   The shift to Andava robbed Aeroflot managers of the chance to siphon off hard currency, but it also gave effective control of the revenues to Berezovsky.

74.   The towns are small dots on a map where most of the area of the West Bank remains under effective Israeli control.

75.   There are no effective so-called natural controls, like insects or grubs that feed on them or pinpoint chemicals that have no effect on anything else.

76.   There is no effective control.

77.   They put their faith in the man who has preserved order in Serbia and may come away from the wars with half of Bosnia under his effective control.

78.   They were replaced by reports that the regular army had wrested effective control from Yeltsin and his inner circle.

79.   U.S. diplomats question, however, whether Karadzic is truly sitting out the elections, or whether he continues to wield effective control through proxies.

80.   While some analysts think a GOP sweep may be coming, others predict Democrats will retain majorities but lose effective control.

a. + control >>共 661
full 4.08%
palestinian 3.60%
israeli 3.26%
state 3.22%
tight 2.97%
complete 2.62%
strict 2.45%
total 2.14%
greater 1.93%
local 1.88%
effective 1.25%
effective + n. >>共 1303
way 7.37%
treatment 3.97%
control 2.85%
tool 1.80%
use 1.75%
measure 1.56%
method 1.39%
mean 1.35%
action 1.33%
weapon 1.27%
每页显示:    共 149