71.   Israel would retain control of the Jordan Valley, which is on the eastern edge of the West Bank and was traditionally regarded in Israel as vital for security.

72.   It was raining at dusk, even as far away as Santiago on the eastern edge of the island.

73.   Last month, four firefighters perished during a forest fire on the eastern edge of Athens.

74.   Like San Vicente del Caguan, the town of Granada on the eastern edge of the zone was without power Sunday night.

75.   Loutsky said they set up a triage station on the eastern edge of the trade center.

76.   Maj. Herve Gourmelon, a U.N. spokesman in Sarajevo, reported heavy fighting around Bosanska Krupa, on the eastern edge of the so-called Bihac pocket.

77.   More threatening to the oil field was a brimming reservoir on its eastern edge.

78.   On Sunday, survivors rummaged through the remains of their houses in Higashinara, a demolished residential neighborhood on the eastern edge of Kobe.

79.   On the eastern edge of Gaza City, Israeli forces flattened two Palestinian police outposts.

80.   On the eastern edge of Gaza City, Israeli forces flattened two Palestinian police outposts, Palestinian security sources said.

a. + edge >>共 833
competitive 7.35%
slight 4.75%
northern 4.33%
rough 3.13%
sharp 3.11%
southern 2.92%
eastern 2.92%
western 2.74%
outer 2.32%
hard 2.11%
eastern + n. >>共 708
state 7.25%
enclave 5.94%
province 5.76%
part 5.74%
region 4.01%
sector 3.60%
half 3.13%
city 2.84%
border 2.41%
country 2.37%
edge 1.79%
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