71.   Neither does any one else who has ever savored Arlington, where every nook and cranny is a heaven for horseplayers and horsewatchers alike.

72.   No one deserves to do one more than Nowlin.

73.   Pat Riley and Randy Pfund must have had their heads in South Beach when they did this one.

74.   Phyllis Newman is doing one, too, and she is making a production out of it.

75.   People performing two demanding tasks simultaneously do neither one as well as they do each one alone.

76.   She means the choice of having a real career as well as a family, and the freedom to elect to do one without sacrificing the other.

77.   Seuss has as many profound words for adults as he does entertaining ones for children.

78.   Somebody on one of the college circuits did this one.

79.   Stojko once considered doing two quads but now will do only one, in combination with a triple.

80.   Still, with all the lace edging, hems dragging in the meadow and sheer fabrics, what does one wear to work?

v. + one >>共 829
include 9.78%
have 5.14%
get 2.86%
win 2.49%
make 1.80%
lose 1.74%
find 1.66%
buy 1.65%
take 1.41%
use 1.21%
do 0.93%
do + n. >>共 627
business 10.21%
thing 8.90%
job 8.34%
work 7.25%
best 4.86%
lot 2.52%
damage 2.37%
research 1.79%
part 1.63%
homework 1.54%
one 0.27%
每页显示:    共 108