71.   The threat of Kotite losing his job is a distinct possibility if the Eagles fall short of the playoffs.

72.   There is a distinct possibility that Sehorn could see some action this season.

73.   There is the distinct possibility that after this season, Testaverde and Lucas could be gone.

74.   There was a time when that was a distinct possibility.

75.   Then, last year, there was darkness, the distinct possibility that this pop dream would be over.

76.   There is also the distinct possibility of lawsuits if the lockout were to be ruled illegal by the NLRB or the courts.

77.   There is the distinct possibility that Douglas will remain in Boston for the duration of the season.

78.   They still should be a formidable team next year, and if Angelos lets Gillick do his job, a World Series title is still a distinct possibility.

79.   Though earnings continue to grow at both companies, megamergers of a size that could swallow either bank are now discussed as a distinct possibility.

80.   Three putts were a distinct possibility.

a. + possibility >>共 633
real 7.14%
strong 5.50%
distinct 4.56%
new 4.04%
remote 3.44%
such 2.73%
the 2.02%
intriguing 1.83%
endless 1.50%
good 1.50%
distinct + n. >>共 649
possibility 6.02%
advantage 4.99%
personality 2.96%
group 2.22%
difference 1.93%
minority 1.88%
impression 1.83%
culture 1.68%
style 1.48%
disadvantage 1.48%
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