71.   East Timorese activists yelled slogans for the independence of their disputed territory.

72.   Eleven rebels and a soldier were killed during a clash between government soldiers and members of an ethnic group fighting over disputed territory.

73.   East Timorese exiles were Wednesday skeptical about hints from an Indonesian official that Jakarta may consider granting independence to the disputed territory.

74.   Envoy Jamsheed Marker said late Thursday that the U.N. proposal envisages broad autonomy for the disputed Southeast Asian territory.

75.   Eritrean Foreign Minister Haile Woldetensae welcomed the proposal and said his country was willing to immediately withdraw from disputed territory.

76.   Ethiopia said Saturday that although it has driven Eritrean troops out of one disputed territory, Eritrean forces still occupy other areas along their common border.

77.   Eritrea already agreed under an increasingly punishing assault last week to withdraw from all disputed territory and return to the negotiations without conditions.

78.   Ethiopia delivered on its threat to attack Eritrea again unless it withdrew from disputed territory, launching a ground strike Tuesday against a border town.

79.   Eritrea claimed Tuesday that Ethiopia had delivered on its threat to attack Eritrea again unless it withdrew from disputed territory.

80.   Eritrea takes issue with a demand in the proposal that it withdraw troops from disputed territory before international observors are brought in to monitor peace in the area.

a. + territory >>共 481
palestinian 15.47%
occupied 5.22%
serb-held 5.16%
positive 2.68%
serb 2.51%
disputed 2.41%
new 2.29%
negative 2.13%
palestinian-controlled 1.81%
uncharted 1.55%
disputed + n. >>共 416
border 11.15%
island 7.70%
area 7.22%
region 7.11%
territory 7.03%
election 4.62%
land 4.20%
state 3.64%
city 2.83%
site 2.65%
每页显示:    共 261