71.   The discovery led to drugs designed to relieve pain but spare the stomach.

72.   The discovery might lead to better trapping and sterilization programs in the Great Lakes, where the lamprey is a pariah.

73.   The discovery might lead to better weapons against the AIDS virus, the researchers said.

74.   The discovery eventually could lead to a new type of cancer drug.

75.   The discovery led to the U.S. government temporarily grounding crop-dusters as a precaution against a possible biochemical terrorist attack.

76.   The recent discoveries have led researchers to the conclusion that REM is merely a trigger for dreaming.

77.   These discoveries have led Mr Zhu to order more intensive investigations and more severe punishments.

78.   Those discoveries led to strong condemnation and an increase in international pressure for Milosevic to withdraw his military police from the province.

79.   These discoveries led to the theory that humans are the product of chance in evolution.

80.   Later, such a discovery could lead to a diagnostic test identifying people with a high risk of getting prostate cancer.

n. + lead >>共 1747
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discovery + v. >>共 279
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